Board of Directors

Board Members

There are many dedicated people who join together to make Imagine A Way.

We have a prestigious Board of Directors made up of professional business and community leaders who provide strategic direction for our success. Because the Board believes so strongly in helping parents imagine a way for their child with autism, they contribute substantial personal time, energy, and financial support to the organization.

In addition to our inspired leaders, we have an experienced staff, a dedicated group of volunteers, compassionate donors, and generous corporate partners who all join together to put our mission into action for the children we serve. Our work would not be possible without their support.


Sarah Gilbreath - President
Kelly Fritsch - Vice President
LaNelle Deardorf - Treasurer
Rosemarie Caskey - Secretary
Carolyn Price - Past President/Co-Founder


Jeff Armstrong
Chris Braziel
Chad Cantwell
Richard Cunningham
Lew Curatolo
Beau Curtis
Angela England
Alicia Franklin York
Kathy Griffin
Ryan Harris
Dale Holder
Jordan Jones
Nikki Maples
Billy Niels
Jan Niels
Joel Price
Angela Stout
Taly Thiessen
Mike Toomey
Stacy Toomey
Robbie Wright, M.D.
Tina Holder
In loving memory
Together we will help families Imagine A Way!
© 2025 Imagine A Way | Imagine A Way is a 501(c)(3) under federal tax guidelines.
PO Box 1027 | Leander, Texas 78646 | 512-220-4324 |